From academic to ghostwriter…

Rachel Moss is an award-winning writer, ghostwriter, and editor. After earning her Ph.D. in English during the pandemic, she decided to transition out of academia and began freelance writing fulltime. Since then, she has helped clients all over the world tell their stories, their way through her ghostwriting, editing, and writing coaching services. She has written for hundreds of clients including influencers, entrepreneurs and CEOs, and a former CIA director.

You have a story. Let’s tell it together.

  • From blogs to book proposals, sample chapters to full manuscripts, I offer a range of ghostwriting services that cater to all kinds of clients. Got a story to tell? Let’s write it together. Book a free consultation with me or fill out this inquiry form to get started.

  • As an editor, I strive to stay true to your voice and your vision. I’ve worked on everything from academic monographs to fantasy epics. So if your project needs a little TLC, check out my editorial services here.

  • You don’t have to write your book alone. Wherever you’re at in your writing journey, I can be your partner in creativity. Find out more here.

My Portfolio

Want to get a quick snapshot of my writing and editing?